LWAW : Living Well, Aging Well

Aging, well-being, prevention, health, society, valorization
The "Living well, aging well" program is aimed at aging as a global phenomenon, from the cell to society. Through research, it aims to build innovative training pathways that will allow us to accompany the demographic changes in our societies.


The “Living Well Aging Well” tackles the societal challenge of individual and collective aging. Because ageing is heterogeneous and multifactorial, it offers original transdisciplinary training at the interface between health, humanities & social sciences. This initiative is conducted to support the emergence of new, global approaches in research and in education. Built around the Faculty of Humanities, Health, Sport, Societies, this program relies on a very rich and large multidisciplinary teaching approach and intensive schools promoting creativity. Furthermore, it is backed by cutting-edge research projects from the fields of health, sociology, psychology, history, law, social and solidarity economy, along with the Sciences and Techniques in Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) department/program. It must encourage the adaptation and creation of new jobs that will respond to the health, societal, economic, and ethical issues raised by aging as a process that is not limited to the question of old age but concerns life paths in their entirety.

How to apply

Courses are taught in French or English depending on the Master’s program concerned. The teaching units of the thematic program are taught in French or in English. A B2 level in both English and French is required to be eligible for the thematic program.

To apply to this program, you must first be admitted to the first year of a Master's program in one of the following courses :
Master Year Composante Language
Applied history: society, environment, Territory M1 UFR Arts et sciences humaines (ARSH) French
Cultures, politics, international exchange M1 UFR Arts et sciences humaines (ARSH) French
Clinical psychology - Health psychology M1 UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la société (SHS) French
Aging Disability Health Societies - Project engineering and management  M1 UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la société (SHS) French
Adapted Physical Activity and health M1 UFR Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS)  French
Movement and Ergonomic Disabilities M1 UFR Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS) French
Methods and technologies for health M1 Faculté de médecine French
Legal personality’s and family law M1 Faculté de droit French
BioHealth Engineering M1 Faculté de pharmacie English
Applied history: society, environment, Territory M2 UFR Arts et sciences humaines (ARSH) French
Cultures, politics, international exchange M2 UFR Arts et sciences humaines (ARSH) French
BioHealth Engineering M2 Faculté de pharmacie English
Environnement, santé, toxicologie, écotoxicologie M2 Faculté de pharmacie French
Clinical psychology - Health psychology M2 UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la société (SHS) French
Aging Disability Health Societies - Project engineering and management M2 UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la société (SHS) French
Adapted Physical Activity and health M2 UFR Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS) French
Movement and Ergonomic Disabilities M2 UFR Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS) French
Methods for the Design and Conduct of Clinical Research Projects M2 Faculté de médecine French
Modelling, Technological Innovation, Imaging M2 Faculté de médecine French
Private Law, legal personality’s and family law M2 Faculté de droit French
Health engineering, Science and management of biotechnologies : cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering M2 Faculté de Pharmacie French and English

Specific courses for thematic program

One Interdisciplinary workshop program, one in M1 and one in M2 (6 ECTS each): Health behaviors and aging; Access to Healthcare and aging; Innovation for housing and aging; Aging as a young person: business and self-image; New healthcare for aging; Job opportunities in an aging society; Vaccine and aging; Gerontechnology, ethics and law.

Doctoral schools involved

  • École doctorale Sciences de l'Homme, du politique et du territoire
  • École doctorale Sciences juridiques
  • École doctorale Ingénierie pour la santé, la cognition et l'environnement
Updated on  May 14, 2024