Physics of extremes: from the frontiers of knowledge to societal applications
The program focuses on researching the infinitely small (elementary constituents and their interactions), quantum matter, as well as the infinitely large and the origin of the universe, stars and planets. This ground-breaking research has applications in numerous high-stakes fields, for example, in digital and energy transition. The development of this research is based on cross-cutting tools for the field, such as extreme instrumentation and the simulation and processing of big data.
Pushing back the frontiers of knowledge requires the implementation of ExTreM experimental devices: very low temperatures, high magnetic field, experiments as close as possible to nuclear reactors, intensive calculations, large accelerators, observatories in the polar zone, in high mountains or in space. These developments are enabling high-impact technical progress that affects many societal challenges, such as energy and new functionalities of matter.
The ambition of this project is to place the dynamics and attractiveness of this research (strong impact of the laboratories, presence of large instruments on the site) at the heart of our training courses in order to raise them to the first national level and give them high visibility at the international level. Moreover, an important work on general Physics will allow to develop inter- specialities relationships.
The objective of the program is to promote training & research by attracting the best students (nationally and internationally) and by placing research at the heart of our training offer. We want to ensure a coherent & attractive course offering, which relies on the established strengths of Grenoble and develops the continuum between Master and PhD.
This program relies mostly on three tracks within the Master degree: “Astrophysics”, “Cosmology, Astroparticles and Subatomic Physics” and “Quantum Matter”, “Turbulence”, “Materials & Energy” and “Nuclear Energy”.
The specificity of such Master tracks is that they enable students to work on the relevant pieces of instrumentation and equipment, which Grenoble is in a unique position to offer - especially considering the presence of “large instruments” such as IRAM, CERN, ESRF, ILL, EMFL, the very broad capabilities of Grenoble with regards to space instrumentation (CSUG) and state of the art highly technical experiments (LNCMI, Institut Néel). The program ExTreM will contribute to tighten the links between the university and the partner institutions in charge of such instruments.
The program ExTreM will offer students:
The ambition of this project is to place the dynamics and attractiveness of this research (strong impact of the laboratories, presence of large instruments on the site) at the heart of our training courses in order to raise them to the first national level and give them high visibility at the international level. Moreover, an important work on general Physics will allow to develop inter- specialities relationships.
The objective of the program is to promote training & research by attracting the best students (nationally and internationally) and by placing research at the heart of our training offer. We want to ensure a coherent & attractive course offering, which relies on the established strengths of Grenoble and develops the continuum between Master and PhD.
This program relies mostly on three tracks within the Master degree: “Astrophysics”, “Cosmology, Astroparticles and Subatomic Physics” and “Quantum Matter”, “Turbulence”, “Materials & Energy” and “Nuclear Energy”.
The specificity of such Master tracks is that they enable students to work on the relevant pieces of instrumentation and equipment, which Grenoble is in a unique position to offer - especially considering the presence of “large instruments” such as IRAM, CERN, ESRF, ILL, EMFL, the very broad capabilities of Grenoble with regards to space instrumentation (CSUG) and state of the art highly technical experiments (LNCMI, Institut Néel). The program ExTreM will contribute to tighten the links between the university and the partner institutions in charge of such instruments.
The program ExTreM will offer students:
- research-intensive tracks, especially for international students, enabling the student to spend a significant amount of their time within a dedicated research institution;
- the opportunity to take part, during both years of the Master, in large research projects hosted by laboratories, large instruments, or CESUG;
- thematic weeks, on a summer school model, organised in collaboration with the relevant Labex;
- the possibility to take part in European schools such as ERCA, JUAS, ESIPAP;
- dedicated funding.
Specific activities targeting undergraduate students
The program ExTreM will open a significant number of teaching activities to undergraduate students, thus contributing to create a strong pool of students interested by research-based training at the graduate level: organisation of visits to scientific sites (large instruments, laboratories), conferences series, financing of excellence internships, presentation of the ExTreM program by master and doctoral students, structured around mini-presentations and poster sessions.Specific courses for thematic programme
- Experimental realisation (M1, 6 ECTS): realization of a scientific apparatus. Visit of large-scale facilities.
- Scientific project (M2, 6 ECTS) the students carry out an experimental project on one of the large instrument facility
How to apply
To apply to this program, you must first be admitted to a Master's programme in one of the following courses:Master | Parcours | Year | Department |
Master Physique | Parcours astrophysique | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Parcours physique subatomique et cosmologie | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Parcours matière quantique | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Mécanique | Parcours Turbulences:méthodes et applications | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Parcours énergetique nucléaire | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Parcours Physics for Energy | M2 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Physique recherches fondamentales et innovations | M1 | PHITEM |
Master Physique | Parcours Recherche et innovation | M1 | PHITEM |
Updated on February 7, 2025