Summit - Sustainable microelectronics and microsystems for advanced integrated technologies

Microelectronics, microsystems, sustainability, cybersecurity, advanced technologies
The SUMMIT thematic program addresses the multidisciplinary and complex challenges of microelectronics, ranging from the design of components, circuits and systems to the development of new functional materials, microfabrication technologies and testing. Within this thematic program, these challenges are confronted with societal (material durability, pollution, recycling, component reliability, cybersecurity, etc.) and geostrategic (sources of supply, national security) issues that are more and more considered in the microelectronics industry.

Microelectronics is an industrial sector at the heart of the challenges of many innovative sectors (telecoms and IT, IoT, automotive, aeronautics, health, transport, defense, energy, etc.) and strongly linked to societal and environmental challenges. Despite this central position, there is a lack of vocation and real difficulties in recruiting engineers and researchers in this field. Thus, research institutes and universities must make a significant effort to train competent students for these key professions of the future. This is the Thematic Program SUMMIT strategy.

The Grenoble site is a strong and active place for microelectronics at national, European and international level with a highly developed and growing industrial country. Academic programs and many laboratories of Grenoble area have activities that cover all the scientific aspects related to microelectronics: from material to component technology, circuits and devices constituting the essential bricks of a system integrated and in the design of embedded softwares.

The objectives of SUMMIT are :

  • to propose a training offer visible nationally and internationally, consistent and allowing to cover the defined area;
  • to strengthen the links between education and research;
  • to early involve students as close as possible in the challenges of the future and in emerging scientific domains.

SUMMIT teaching units

  • 1st year:  two courses on sustainability and cybersecurity in microelectronics domain and a Labwork - a project led in collaboration with a researcher of a partner lab. (6 ECTS).
  • 2nd year: a Hackathon, a synthesis work to present a sustainable project and a project dedicated to one of the problematic items of the SUMMIT program. (6 ECTS).

SUMMIT teaching units are taught in English.

How to apply

Students should first be enrolled in one of the Master’s degree or Engineering curriculum listed below :

Master’s degree / Engineering curriculum Year University Department or Engineering School Language
Embedded systems Engineering (EIS) 4th and 5th Esisar French
Embedded systems and connected devices Engineering (SEOC)

2nd and 3rd

Phelma French
Integrated electronic systems Engineering (SEI)

2nd and 3rd

Phelma French
Nanotech Engineering

2nd and 3rd

Phelma English
Computer Science and Electronics for Embedded Systems Engineering (IESE) 4th and 5th Polytech French
Materials Engineering 1st and 2nd Polytech French
Master's degree in Microelectronics Integration of Real-Time Embedded Systems (MISTRE) 1st and 2nd PhITEM French
Electrical Engineering and Control Systems (EECS) 1st PhITEM English
Wireless Integrated Circuits and Systems (WICS) 2nd PhITEM English

Doctoral schools involved

Updated on  June 6, 2024