
Energy Transition, Socio-ecological transition, Socio-ecosystems, Global Change, Human and Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Environmental humanities
Within the Terra curricular, we will train the next generation of natural resources managers, whether they are geologists, hydrologists, climatologists, urban planners, historians or economists, to risks and opportunities in the energy transition in Europe. We will particularly focus on the social and environmental challenges associated with the ecological transition, and will develop new tools and practices for gaining the Social Licence to Operate, for ethical sourcing and the traceability of raw materials, establish industry alliances as a key mechanism towards sustainable and secure supply of raw materials. Our general strategy will rely on strong disciplinary backgrounds in the master programs participating in the program, and provide hands-on interdisciplinary experiences, and the possibility of course exchanges to favor pluridisciplinarity;
Climate change is the main challenge of the 21st century. Our societies must learn to organize and develop within the physical boundaries of our planet. Natural and mineral resources exploitation, energy production, land management and urban planning, agricultural practices will be impacted by climate change, biodiversity erosion, and environmental contamination. Defining desirable trajectories for socio-ecosystems requires increased cooperation between engineering - ecology, climate and earth sciences - and social sciences.

Simultaneously, new possibilities are emerging. Observation tools: communicating, ever cheaper smaller in-situ sensors; ever more platforms for remote sensing (aircraft, (nano)satellites, drones...); high throughput characterization of biodiversity from environmental DNA. Modelling tools either traditional (e.g. climate models) or data-driven (AI). Data and analyses availability (e.g. Copernicus services), and increased citizen awareness should lead to more "science-based policies". A major challenge here is the implementation of operational methods to weave expert knowledge in the political decision-making process.

Within the TERRA curricular, we would like to train the next generation of natural resources managers, whether they are geologists, sociologists, urban planners, historians or economists, to the vulnerability and opportunities in the energy transition in Europe. We will particularly focus on the social and environmental challenges associated with the ecological transition, and will develop new tools and practices for gaining the Social Licence to Operate, for ethical sourcing and the traceability of raw materials, establish industry alliances as a key mechanism towards sustainable and secure supply of raw materials. Our general strategy will rely on strong disciplinary backgrounds in the master programs participating in the program, and provide hands-on interdisciplinary experiences, and the possibility of course exchanges to favor pluridisciplinarity;

How to apply

Courses are taught in French or English depending on the Masters programme concerned. The teaching units of the thematic programme are taught in English.

To apply to this programme, you must first be admitted to the first year of a Master's programme in one of the following courses:
Liste des formations participant au programme TERRA
Master Parcours Year Department
Master Sciences de la terre et des planètes, environnement Parcours Géoressources M1
Master Sciences de la terre et des planètes, environnement Parcours Hydroressources et Qualité des Milieux M1
Master Sciences de la terre et des planètes, environnement Parcours Natural Hazards and risks M1
Master in Earth, planetary and environmental sciences
Earth System Sciences M1
Master in Earth, planetary and environmental sciences Geophysics and Earth Imaging M1
Master Sciences de la terre et des planètes, environnement Parcours Système Climatique : Atmosphère, Hydrosphère, Cryosphère M1
Master Électronique, énergie électrique, automatique Electrical engineering for smartgrids and buildings (SGB) PhITEM
Master Hydraulic and civil engeneering ENSE3-INP
Master Urbanisme et aménagement Ingénierie du Développement et de l'Aménagement des Territoires en Transition M1
Diplôme de fin d'études Transitions Transitions écologiques:solidarités,innovations économiques et développement territorial A4
Sciences Po Grenoble
Cursus Ingénieur Automatique et systèmes intelligents ENSE3-INP
Cursus Ingénieur Hydrauliques, ouvrage et environnement ENSE3-INP
Cursus Ingénieur Ingénierie de l'énergie électrique ENSE3-INP
Cursus Ingénieur Ingénierie de l'énergie nucléaire ENSE3-INP
Cursus Ingénieur Systèmes énergétiques et marchés ENSE3-INP
Cursus Ingénieur Mécanique et énergétique ENSE3-INP
Master Biodiversité, écologie,évolution Biodiversité, écologie, évolution M1 UFR Chimie et Biologie
Master Biodiversité, écologie,évolution Parcours Dynamique et Modélisation de la Biodiversité M2 UFR Chimie et Biologie
Master Biodiversité, écologie,évolution Parcours Gestion de l’Environnement M2 UFR Chimie et Biologie
Master Langues étrangères appliquées
Ressources, environnement et sociétés en transition M1
 Master Histoire Parcours Histoire appliquée : société, environnement, territoire M1

Specific courses

M1 : Field trip (3 ECTS) :

3 days along the Rhone river and the Massif Central Mountains to discover the environmental footprint of human activities (energy production, raw material extraction, urbanism).

M1 : Growth and Planetary Limits (3 ECTS) :

The goal of this module is to introduce students to the energy and environmental issues raised by the modern quest for economic growth and to map out the potential of the ecological transition. This series of courses is structured along three main axes: an introduction to environmental discourses on growth and limits; a zoom on the climate-energy-raw material nexus; a “map” of the possibilities for low-carbon economies.

M2 : Environmental observatory (3 ECTS) :

A 2 years long learning by doing research program, where student will be enrolled into environmental monitoring research activities.

M2 : Summer School : Mountains in a changing world (3 ECTS) :

This innovative program brings an interdisciplinary approach to the complex question of how climate change in mountainous regions affects both humans and nature. Combining methods and knowledge from the sciences, the humanities, and social sciences, this program welcomes students from all disciplines seeking novel, interdisciplinary approaches to complex questions like:
  • Understand why mountains are defined as complex systems
  • Understand why mountains are vulnerable targets for change
  • Identify changes which are threatening this environment
  • Describe potential effects of change on mountains
  • Give key remediation perspectives
  • Provide key trajectories for mountains facing changes
  • Hydroelectric power plants threat and vulnerability

Doctoral schools involved

  • École doctorale Sciences de l'Homme, du politique et du territoire
  • École doctorale Sciences de la Terre, de l’environnement et des planètes
  • École doctorale Chimie et sciences du vivant
Updated on  November 14, 2024