Joint and dual degrees in law, economics, political sciences, finance and management


  • Bachelor "Law"
    Issued by Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) and UGA (Grenoble Law School)
  • Bachelor "Economics and management"*
    Issued by Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Ecuador) and UGA (Grenoble Faculty of Economics)
    Issued by Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine) and UGA (Grenoble Faculty of Economics)
    Issued by Universidade regional de Blumenau (Brazil) and UGA (Grenoble Faculty of Economics)
    Issued by West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine) and UGA (Grenoble Faculty of Economics)


School of political studies degrees

* All Grenoble Faculty of Economics joint degree agreements are distance learning, but with the possibility of face-to-face mobility for one semester for a limited number of students. There is no outgoing mobility in these agreements.
Published on  October 16, 2020
Updated on June 27, 2024